What are you grateful for? ☀️💕

Happy Easter Sunday!

Despite the collective stress we’ve all been feeling the past few weeks, I have high hopes for the future, and I’m grateful to everyone around me for giving shape to my hopes with their words and deeds.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Melody Beattie

As the work mother of over 220+ employees at Ellana, I try to find ways to uplift people and express gratitude on a daily basis.

Sharing my optimism doesn’t mean that I don’t feel worry about the future — I actually think of the what-ifs fairly often! But the support and love I receive helps me focus on finding the silver lining in every situation, and the gratitude I feel in response to this support enables me to continue uplifting others. In turn, they are empowered to do and be more for their own communities.

Cultivating a habit of gratitude is something I highly encourage. It deepens relationships, helps us bounce back from stress, and allows our minds to find possibilities in every predicament.

Through gratitude, we can find peace in the present, and the courage to continue pursuing the future.

What makes you feel thankful nowadays? I'd love to know what helps you power through this pandemic. "A single grain of rice can tip the scale," according to the Emperor in the well-loved animated film Mulan, so don't leave the little things out — everything counts!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts! ♥


Theresa Carbonel-Buenaflor
Founder, Ellana Mineral Cosmetics
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