How are you holding up? 🌺☀️

How have you been doing these past few weeks?

March has come and gone — the April weather continues to warm up, and no doubt you’ve thought up a ton of fakecation scenarios throughout the quarantine period. I definitely have!

I understand it can be frustrating to be unable to do more than hole up in our homes, especially with all the overwhelming thoughts and worries about what’s happening around us. It can be particularly difficult to focus and stay positive.

Paying attention to your feelings instead of "looking on the bright side" may seem like bad advice, but the truth is, the more you ignore your bad feelings, the stronger they get. The more you try to force "staying positive," the less positive you'll become.

“We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.”
- Barbara De Angelis

It’s okay to admit you’re struggling. In fact, it’s important that you pause once in a while to let yourself experience how you really feel. The clarity and courage you need to keep going comes from acknowledging the struggle.

And you don’t have to do it alone: We are here for you. Our Facebook DMs are open for any conversation. We have regular Facebook and IG Lives if you need to see a friendly face. And my inbox is open, if you need someone to open up to.

With so much scary news going around, it can be hard to forget that you are not alone in this. So let me remind you: We are here for you, no matter how long this takes. And we will still be here for you after this is all over.

Hoping to hear from you soon! ♥

Stay Radiant!


Theresa Carbonel-Buenaflor
Founder, Ellana Mineral Cosmetics

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