Did you catch our live Q&A with freelancing guru Tin Advincula a.k.a. @cofficehunter? If you haven't, watch the replay here:
If you're looking to start a freelance career, Tin says to keep six steps in mind:
- Know your moneymaker skills. - these can be your passions, the stuff you learned in school, or even something you're still learning but think you can be good at!
- Know your rates. - Figure out what to charge by asking friends, doing research, or using literal math to figure it out (cost of electricity + internet + laptop...). Tin advises that you start your freelance journey with a target salary in mind, and work from there!
- Look for clients. - Job search sites like LinkedIn, Kalibrr, and Jobstreet are your friend, but you don't necessarily have to "cold call" to get clients. A good place to start would be your own network: friends of friends starting small businesses. Don't be shy; you're offering help after all!
- Do the actual work. - This doesn't just mean your freelance work; it also means the "business work" of making sure you have a contract, working out your payment schemes, and creating a clear plan of action that your client can refer to. The more "put together" you seem, the more likely you will get referrals and return clients.
- Create an online profile. - Market yourself! Whether it's a Facebook Page, an Instagram profile, or a beefed-up LinkedIn bio, the internet is full of tools you can use to build what's known as your portfolio. Clients want to see what you can do, so make sure to have easy samples--or references--you can send over!
- Ask for help. - The beauty of freelancing is that you are part of a community, so don't be afraid to ask for help on the journey.
Want more information? Check out Tin's handy guide to freelancing here: